burnsKambo is intense but fast.

The unpleasant effects are strong and immediate but over within 30 - 40 minutes. The dried Kambo is mixed with a small amount of water and divided into small dots. Then small points called gates are placed into the surface of the skin. The points are approximately 1/8” across but can be smaller or slightly larger depending on the treatment. The top thin layer of skin is blistered with a hot stick and the skin is peeled off to expose the epidermis underneath – this is not as deep as when you have a blister and the skin rubs off. There is no blood. The number and position of the points varies from person to person depending on individual needs. If you have a series of treatments in the same session, the same points are reused.

The small dots of Kambo are applied to the points. This is the only way to take Kambo – it is not safe to ingest it or introduce it into the blood stream directly. The Kambo enters directly into the Lymphatic System so the effect is very fast. Most people experience a warm to hot flush on the upper body and face along with increased heart rate. At this point, different people will react in different ways. Some will feel dizzy, foggy or spaced out. Some people have swollen lips or face and slight skin tingling. The Kambo will be racing around your body, scanning it for problems and then going directly to work on those areas. You may experience a throbbing or burning sensation in those areas for a short while.

Kambo is not psychoactive so does not produce hallucinations but can produce a short altered state of reality in some people and many people receive insights and messages about living a healthier life. Then you will purge all the toxins out. This purging process works on a physical and emotional level. You may feel tired at this point and need to rest. Within a short time – usually an hour or so you will feel much better and you can drink and eat normally.

After 24 hours and a good night’s sleep you will start to feel the real benefits.

The burn marks will heal and fade with time but depending on your skin colour and type you may always have small visible scars. Most people see their Kambo scars as a badge of honour. The same points can be reused after approximately 3 months. After the dots of Kambo are removed, the points are dressed with Peruvian tree sap. This helps them to heal faster and ensures they stay free from infection until they scab naturally within a day or so.

Kambo should always be taken with a properly trained person administering and supervising the treatments at all times.